I Will Sing Praises
One Moment
God That Sees
Your Breakthrough
Soul Cries Out
I’m Not Asking For Anything
Reveal Your Glory
Because Of Who You Are
I Will Sing Praises
I will enter His gates with praise in my heart
I will lift up my voice…make a joyful noise
I will lift up His hands…do a brand new dance
I will praise him, yeah
I will praise him
I will make a sacrifice
This is my time to praise
You’re highly exalted the king of kings
The ancient of days
I will dance before the lord
I will rejoice make a joyful noise
With my whole heart I live for You
I will praise…i will praise
Oh, oh, most high
I will sing praises unto Your name
With my lips I will sing Your praise
Every day I will shout Your name
In power and majesty
You reign, You are so great
You are so great and mighty
You are God almighty
When I see the trees uplifted hands
Flowers bloom, their colors fill the land
Ocean waves, how they clap and dance
In power and majesty
You reign, You are so great
I will bless the lord, I will bless the lord
At all times, continually
I will bless the lord, I will bless the lord
At all times, continually, I will
Who am I that You consider me
Who am I that You would search and know me
Before I was You knew my praise would be
Only to thee continually
Alle, alle halleluiah
Alle alle, halleluiah
Just one touch from You
Just one drop of Your precious oil
Just one word from You
One moment in Your presence
One moment in Your presence
One moment in Your presence lord, changes everything
I’ll wait on You
Restore my joy oh, lord
Give me peace in the midst of the storm
I need Your strength and Your power
I’ll wait, I ’ll wait, I ’ll wait, I ’ll wait
I’ll wait on You
When I think about Your mercy and love
Hen I think about the great things You’ve done for m
I get this feeling – something I can’t contain
And my soul cries out in worship – my soul cries out in worship
I think of how You’ve been my comfort an strength
My rock, my refuge – shelter in my time of need
I can’t stay quit, there’s a new song in me
And my soul cries out in worship – my soul cries in worship to You
Lord I lift up my hands and I just wanna say, worthy
You are worthy of honor and praise
I will open my heart and let the praises flow from me
And fill the very throne-room of God, fill the very throne-room of God
Each day I wake to find new mercy again
Your faithfulness is something I ’ll never understand
And just to know that You are mindful of me
My soul cries out in worship, my soul cries out in worship to You
Lord let this offering be holy and true
From a life of worship I wanna glorify You
More than just words, with a rhyme and melody
I wanna offer something pleasing – father offer something pleasing to You
I’m aware You the source
That sustains me everyday
It’s Your life that in me shines
It’s Your love that lights my way
But who am I that You’d consider me
Above all else You choose to keep Your eye on me
God that sees
God that sees me
You are the God that sees
You keep Your eye on me
You are the God that sees
I’m aware You are the joy
Strengthening from day to day
And the peace that floods my heart
Is so great can’t explain (c1) (c2)
My word shall not return void
It will do everything I sent it forth to do.
Every promise that I ’ve made
Every word You heard me say
Stretch forth Your faith, receive Your miracle today
Stretch forth Your faith, receive Your miracle today
Believe it…Your miracle
Now see it…by faith and You’ll
Receive it…i’ve ordained it for this day
Proclaim it…go boldly forth
Just name it and know it’s Yours
Your breakthrough is here today
Your breakthrough is here today
It’s mine…i believe it
It’s mine…i can see it
It’s mine…i receive it…it’s mine
Your breakthrough is here today
Your breakthrough is here today
The whole world worships
The whole world worships
The whole world worships
The whole world worships You
The whole world worships
The whole world worships
The whole world worships You
We love and adore You, nations bow down before You
The whole world worships You
The whole world worships
The whole world worships
The whole world worships You
The whole world worships
The whole world worships
The whole world worships You
Every tribe and nation, all creation
The whole world worships You
Worships You
Evermore I will love You
Evermore I will serve You
Evermore I will glorify the name of the lord
Evermore I ’ll adore You
Evermore bow before You
I will bless Your name forever more
You alone I glorify
And of Your goodness testify
Your banner I will lift on high
Forever and ever
When my life on earth is done
When my battles have been one I ’ll sing Your praises around the throne
forever and ever
Come on and clap Your hands
Everybody stomp Your feet
For the lord is good
And he’s worthy to be praised
Lift Your voice
Give him praise and rejoice
For the lord is good
Great is our God greatly to be praised
All praise is due Your glorious name
We give You thanks, we lift our voice
We raise our hands, from our hearts we rejoice
Alpha, omega, first and the last
A present help in ages past
Lion of judah, the root of david
For thy great pleasure we were created
Lift Your voice and sing to our God and king, he reigns
Let us praise His great, His awesome name, he reigns
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise him all creatures here below
Praise him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise father, son, and holy ghost
He’s good, he’s good
O taste and see he’s good
When I come to seek Your face and not Your hand.
when my eyes are fixed on You and not my circumstance.
there is healing in the praise lord that I give to You.
all the old things pass away when I surrender to You.
i’m not asking for anything.
I just want to worship You lord my king,
here’s my life, lord take control.
all I want to do is worship You.
all I want to do is worship You.
when the burdens of this life seem to hard to bear.
and the troubles of tomorrow I find waiting there.
there’s den is the praise every word I speak.
and my soul is put at peace when first Your kingdom I seek.
Show Your glory, rise with power
Fresh anointing, come this hour
Let Your glory fall, holy spirit flow
Sovereign God of all, make Your presence known
Reveal Your glory, reveal Your glory
reveal Your glory here
reveal Your glory, reveal Your glory
reveal Your glory, reveal Your glory
Manifest Yourself
Because of who You are, I give You glory
Because of who You are, I give You praise
Because of who You are, I will lift my voice and say
Lord I worship You, because of who You are
Lord I worship You, because of who You are.
Jehovah jireh, my provider
Jehovah nissi, lord You reign in victory
Jehovah Shalom, my prince of peace
And I worship You, because of who You are